Two Way Prayer – Friday 24th April 2020

Infinity, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Intention: to tune in and let whatever is come up and just be. A couple days ago I didn’t listen to what I wrote and gave advice. And had a way too long conversation with some who I’m not good at keeping boundaries with

Just breathe. Just be. Everything is a learning game. You make the wrong choices so that you see the impact it has and know to choose something different the next time.

Don’t speak to her. You don’t need to. She will want to discuss some valid things that need your input to purchase but ask your father to. Not you. It may end up with something not exactly what you want but that’s worth the payoff for not speaking to her for another few hours. If you discuss it with her it’ll be another few hours conversation hearing her twisted values and trying to twist your words. Not intentionally. She’s not intentionally manipulative. And you’re letting her cross your boundaries. Being that you can’t keep them with her just don’t discuss this purchase. The worst is it’s not perfect. You will be sad, angry and disappointed with that. It’s a waste of a buy because of her issues. Your okayness comes first. If you’re lucky it’ll be something good. You never know. And get your father to discuss it with her. It’s not really fair to him either but you come first.

You heard that yesterday. That you come first. In this situation you do.

You’re worth it. Just breathe and know that you’re okay…

Love, light and glitter

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